Liguria – antiques market

Liguria – antiques market


It’ s the first Sunday of the month, the day of the second hand market, the day when wandering among stalls of practically useless items (and some absolutely useless ones), you risk to stumble across all the things that with such painful effort you freed yourself from during that great spring-cleaning in nineteen ninety eight.

When I come across these markets, I observe these objects with a snobby air of who, would not even want to see such things in their own rubbish bin.
But after a few minutes among that open air closet it happens: you get carried away by memories and at the same time by the strange fascination (though you will never admit it), of telling your friends about that treasure that only were able to spot, right there, among all that garbage (and please don’t mention all that rubbish a dumped in nineteen ninety eight, that really was rubbish), and inevitably I change my mind and buy that small, gorgeous, useless thing!

It happens every time, and every time a new (old) item takes the place of an old (old) and ends up into the blue Ikea box I’ve located under the entrance bookcase.
Thinking about it I guess the box must be quite full… ah ! I guess it’s time for that great spring-cleaning twenty eleven !

Antiques Market
held on the first Sunday of each month at Diano Marina

photography paola faravelli
testi paola faravelli
translated and adapted by daniela menzano

Se ti è piaciuto... condividilo (anche dopo i tuoi amici!)


  1. Bellissime foto!! Twittato su @BNVintage 🙂


    • Ciao, ho visto il twitt. Grazie tante, anche per il complimento alle foto.

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